According to Dr. Tran Tien, “The cause of most weight issues in a modern society is insulin dysfunction. A diet grossly disproportionate in its share of saturated fats and sugars, such as in breads, cereals, muffins, cakes, pastries, pasta, pizza, rice, corn - very much like the North American diet - causes the pancreas to produce an overabundance of insulin, which stays in the system and puts the blood sugar level in a negative balance.”
An overproduction of insulin also leads to hypoglycemia or low glycemia, which in turn induces constant sugar cravings and weight gain. Insulin’s primary function is to regulate blood sugar levels however it is also the hormone that facilitates the transport of fat (triglycerides) into the fat cells. Even worse, it "locks" the fat in the fat cell, preventing it to be used as a source of energy. Now, because the blood sugar has dropped (and we can’t access the fat as a fuel source) it creates "sugar cravings' and the vicious cycle begins again. In other words, an over abundance of insulin causes weight gain.

With the protocol's I implement with my clients, they will transform the body's ability to digest sugars properly by regulating insulin levels. How? By giving the pancreas a well-deserved break and by limiting simple and complex carbs until the weight loss goal is achieved.