Monday, February 28, 2011

Martha's Minute: Change Your Oil, Change Your Life!

Our relationship with fats over the years has been a complicated affair. We've all been told we can't live with them, but it's the "can't live without them" part that causes the most confusion. The more scientists discover about fats, the more complex the relationship becomes. Ever-changing news on fats -- which ones are good and which ones are bad -- makes it a challenge to figure out what's healthy for active people and what's not.

Some people try to eliminate fats from their diet altogether. But that's not the answer to obtaining optimal health. In fact, if you're sick of trying tasteless low-fat recipes with some of your favorite foods, you may be relieved to learn that our bodies need nutritious and fatty foods as an essential part of our diet.
To find out why, let's start with a quick summary of the basic types of fat:
Saturated: These are the fats we love, but should hate. They're found in animal products including dairy products and eggs. They are also found in some vegetable oils such as coconut and palm. Saturated fats can make the body produce excess cholesterol and, as a result, are often associated with an increased risk of heart disease, cancer and other disorders. These fats are usually solid at room temperature and get even harder when chilled. In general, we're better off without them.
Monounsaturated: These fats are a bit better for you. They're found in almond, peanut, sesame, canola and olive oils and avocados. Monounsaturated fats, especially olive oil, actually help decrease blood cholesterol levels. These fats usually harden at cold temperatures or become cloudy when refrigerated.
Polyunsaturated: These fats are good for you in moderation. They're found in corn, safflower, sunflower and soybean oils as well as in walnuts, pecans and hazelnuts. Polyunsaturated fats have a long history of being healthy for the heart. These fats are liquid at room temperature and stay liquid when chilled. But be careful in storing them: polyunsaturated oils go rancid more easily than other oils, so keep them refrigerated.
Trans fatty acids: These fats, found in products such as margarine, are made through the process of hydrogenation -- converting polyunsaturated oils into saturated fat. They are harmful substances that can increase cholesterol levels as much as saturated fats do. Trans fatty acids are also found in processed foods such as chips, cookies, prepared salads and anything else made with hydrogenated oils.
Essential fatty acids: EFAs are the best type of fats -- and since your body doesn't make them naturally, you must get them from your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish and flaxseed oils. Omega-6 fatty acids are found in beans, nuts, seeds and some vegetable oils including flaxseed, corn, soybean and safflower. In either case, the benefits are immeasurable: EFAs are important for the regulation of cholesterol production, hormonal balance and immune function. They're necessary for healthy skin, hair, nails, mucous membranes, nerves and arteries. An inadequate amount of EFAs can contribute to skin and menstrual disorders, diarrhea and weak nails. EFAs have also been proven to guard against heart disease, cancer and arthritis.

Nutritionally essential

High-fat diets have been implicated in everything from cardiovascular disease to obesity, from diabetes to cancer. Quality fats and oils, however, are nutritionally essential. The body uses fatty acids to store energy. Also, polyunsaturated fats contain fatty acids that are necessary for synthesizing hormones, making fat-soluble vitamins available to the body, and maintaining the flexibility of cell membranes. Stored fat, as much as we want to get rid of it, provides a source of energy for the body, protects organs and insulates the body to keep it warm.
Nutritionists now know that if you don't get enough good fats in your diet, your body will store fat in order to perform its daily functions. So, if you're trying to lose weight, maintaining a low-fat or fat-free diet can actually defeat the purpose: EFAs are necessary to ensure normal burning of stored fat by muscle tissue. They also help the body burn calories more efficiently.
Mind you, the benefits of fats should not be taken as license to gorge. Getting the right amount of fat in your diet can be a balancing act. Too much and you increase your risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and some forms of cancer. Too little, and infants do not thrive, children do not grow and everyone -- regardless of age -- is unable to absorb and use fat-soluble vitamins that smooth the skin, protect the vision, boost the immune system and keep reproductive organs functioning. The ideal amount: No more than 30% of your total daily calories should come from fat, and definitely no more than 10% should come from saturated fats.

Healthy fat choices

Now that you know more about the difference between good fats and bad ones, the rest is common sense. Choose avocados over potato chips. By eating a diet high in vegetables, fruits, grains and beans, you'll automatically tend toward the healthiest ratio of fats in your diet. If you're going to eat animal products, use low-fat and skim milk dairy products, and eat mostly fish, seafood, skinless poultry and small portions of beef. Use oils sparingly, stick to the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated varieties and choose ones that are unrefined and cold-pressed. To get your EFAs, use flaxseed oil for salad dressing, or drizzle some lightly on steamed vegetables.
When it comes to cooking, be aware that different oils respond better to different temperatures. Some have lower smoking points and are appropriate for sauteeing. Some have unusual flavors and aren't appropriate for baking. Purists say forget about cooking oils altogether since heating oils create harmful trans fatty acids. The solution: cook foods in small amounts of water, and add oil after cooking. Otherwise, follow these guidelines for best results:
  • Deep frying: canola, sesame, peanut and almond
  • Stir frying, wok cooking: canola, olive, peanut, safflower, sesame and sunflower
  • Baking: avocado, almond, canola, corn, safflower, soy, sunflower, walnut
  • Low-heat cooking: corn, soy, sunflower, safflower, pumpkin seed and olive

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Living A Detox Lifestyle


Detoxification is a continuous physiologic process that your body depends on for survival. There are complex cellular detoxification mechanisms that are constantly at work for you all day, every day. Natural and synthetic chemicals are processed by this complex system of cells, organs, and organ systems to keep you healthy in the face of a virtually constant barrage of toxic material. A great detoxification program is an excellent tool to improve your detoxification in the short term. The following suggestions will help you keep your body’s toxic burden low and your detox mechanisms working for the long haul.

• Shift your food purchases and consumption to organic when possible. It is most important to
use organic dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, etc.). Free-range meats and eggs are
desirable to purchase as organic. Minimize the use of large fish (swordfish, tuna, etc.) as they are
higher in mercury.
• Purchase organic strawberries and apples, and refer to the Environmental Working Group or
Consumers Reports websites to stay current about which fruits and veggies are most important to
eat organic.
• Purchase the most natural cleaning and other household products you can find.
• Avoid spraying pesticides or herbicides in your home or property.
• For hair products (including shampoo and colors) look for products without alcohol, sodium
lauryl sulfate, paraben, phthalate or other petrochemicals. Check your local yellow pages and
magazines to see if there is an environmentally oriented hair salon in your area.
• Avoid using hair sprays.
• Avoid perfumes or other skin or hair care products that use synthetic fragrances.
• Use low-toxin make-up and skin creams (avoid products with: phthalates, parabens, propylene
glycol, alcohols and fragrances). In general, skin care products from health food stores without
the above ingredients are a safer bet.
• Consider using antioxidant creams on your skin: low solvent products with CoQ10, Vit. C
possibly DMAE and botanical squalene.
• Avoid aluminum-containing antiperspirants and antacids. Since virtually all antiperspirants
contain aluminum, it may be advisable to minimize or discontinue use.
• Water can have many toxins and thus regular consumption of unfiltered water can significantly
contribute to the toxic load of your body
• Water quality will vary from city to city but in general it is better to filter tap water with a
multi-stage carbon filter or reverse osmosis filter.
• Try to avoid bottles water in soft plastic containers as the plastics often leach into the water.
Minimize the use of plastic water bottles that have been in a hot car.
• Minimize the use of camel-back type plastic water containers.
• Mineral waters in glass bottles are generally safe unless there is a question of the quality of the
• Have approximately 6-8 glasses of water or healthy liquids each day. Use glass or ceramic when
• Filter shower water in order to limit your exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbons.
• Plastics can disrupt hormones in your body.
• Avoid plastic bottles and containers with the numbers 3, 6 and 7 on the bottom. These are most
likely to leach plastics into the food, juice or water that they contain.
• Buy juices and water in glass containers when possible.
• Avoid PVC’s.
• Do not microwave in plastic containers.
• Minimize washing plastic containers in the dishwasher under high heat.
• Minimize the use of cling wraps; try to use paper wraps.
• Avoid mercury amalgam fillings.
• Get second options on root canals.
• Avoid if possible having 2 different metals in adjacent teeth.
• Pick a dentist who is aware of healthy choices for the mouth-perhaps a more holistic or
biologically oriented dentist who does not place new mercury fillings.
• Use only green and low VOC products in a remodel or new home.
• Avoid furniture with particle board or buy used furniture that has had a chance to “off gas”.
• Let a new car off gas by keeping the windows open.
• Use an air filter such as a Hepa filter with a charcoal filter to clean the debris in the air.
• Minimize the amount of regular carpet in your home, or use natural carpets.
• Avoid using pesticides in your house.

Certain chemicals applied to your skin or in the air can be absorbed by your body and may cause harm
to your cells and organ systems. They can cause inflammation and increase the body’s production of
free radicals, thus increasing your likelihood of developing chronic health problems.

Your Last Diet!

                Your Last Diet

The Knowledge to Keep Those Pounds off Forever!
The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method is a medically designed protocol that results in fat loss while sparing muscle mass. The protocol was developed in France 25 years ago by Dr. Tran Tien Chanh, MD PhD, who focused his career and research on nutrition with a particular emphasis on the treatment of obesity and obesity related issues.

Martha’s Winning at Weight Loss Program incorporates the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method is an easy 4-phase protocol which helps stabilize the pancreas and blood sugar levels while burning fat and maintaining muscle and other lean tissue. This protocol is also an excellent support for cellulite reduction and has been used in well over 2500 Professional Establishments in North America over the last eight years with great success.

What is the Source of Most Weight Issues?.....................................................................................................................................................

According to Dr. Tran Tien, “The cause of most weight issues in a modern society is insulin dysfunction. A diet grossly disproportionate in its share of saturated fats and sugars, such as in breads, cereals, muffins, cakes, pastries, pasta, pizza, rice, corn - very much like the North American diet - causes the pancreas to produce an overabundance of insulin, which stays in the system and puts the blood sugar level in a negative balance.” 

An overproduction of insulin also leads to hypoglycemia or low glycemia, which in turn induces constant sugar cravings and weight gain. Insulin’s primary function is to regulate blood sugar levels however it is also the hormone that facilitates the transport of fat (triglycerides) into the fat cells. Even worse, it "locks" the fat in the fat cell, preventing it to be used as a source of energy.  Now, because the blood sugar has dropped (and we can’t access the fat as a fuel source) it creates "sugar cravings' and the vicious cycle begins again.  In other words, an overabundance of insulin causes weight gain.

The Ideal Protein protocol will transform the body's ability to digest sugars properly by regulating insulin levels. How? By giving the pancreas a well-deserved break and by limiting simple and complex carbs until the weight loss goal is achieved.
Principles Behind the Protocol.....................................................................................................................................................

Learn to live off of the body's own fat reserves. The body employs energy from three reserves: glycogen (carbohydrate), protein and fats. First from it’s simple and complex carbohydrate reserves and when depleted, turns simultaneously to its protein and fat reserves for energy.  A person not in need of weight loss typically has approximately 1-2% of their body's reserves from carbs, approximately 19% from their muscle mass and 79% of their body reserves from fat.

Simple and complex carbohydrates can prevent weight loss.  The body stores approximately three days’ worth of carbohydrates. Because of this, the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method has a beginning and an end. Until 100% of the weight loss goal is achieved, we restrict sugars (simple and complex). Why? Because, as long as sugar is being consumed, the body is not burning fat. It's as simple as that. Remember, the first source of energy is derived from glycogen (carbohydrate) reserves. The main principle is to deplete the glycogen (carbohydrate) reserves completely in order to compel the body to turn to its fat reserve to burn calories.
How do we get the body to burn its fat reserves and not its muscle mass reserves, if both are depleted simultaneously?  First, by providing the body with foods that have a high protein value, complete with 8 essential amino acids, 97% absorbable, which make them biologically-complete proteins.
Secondly, by supplementing with nutrient-rich supplements such as Natura Multi-Vita, Natura Calcium & Magnesium and Natura Potassium, key ingredients in muscle building and electrolytes to replace those normally found in foods restricted on the Ideal Protein protocol.
A dieter will feel energized, look vibrant and feel strong. It is no wonder. Given the opportunity for the body’s natural ability to heal itself and showcase its innate and ingenious powers, such as in the way during the protocol the body will return the favor with unparalleled force, radiance and beauty.
We also offer a modified protocol for Type I diabetics, adolescents and children.

What to Expect.....................................................................................................................................................
On average, women lose weight at the rate of 3 to 4 pounds per week and 4 to 7 pounds per week for men.
Based on over 25 years of experience and 5 million people in Europe, Canada, and the United States, the program enables the following:
  • Quick weight loss without sacrificing muscle mass
  • An understanding of how food affects and is utilized by the body, including what causes fat storage
  • Improved skin tone by providing the skin nutrients it needs
  • Utilization of stored fat for energy usually by day 4 — fat, (along with cellulite) that contains chemical toxins
  • Improved energy, appetite control and reduced cravings — usually on day 4 or 5
Improved blood sugar, cholesterol levels and reduced blood pressure

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Winning At Weight Loss with Ideal Protein Program Information


Cellular Nutrition

I would like to introduce you to the Ideal Protein Cellular Nutrition Plan. It was developed 23 years ago by an award winning nutrition company and Dr. Tran Tien Chanh a
European-Asian Medical Doctor with a PhD in nutrition, sports medicine and biology. This is a 4-stage retraining eating plan that helps stabilize the pancreas and blood sugar levels while burning fat and maintaining muscle and other lean tissue. This 4-stage plan is for long-term health promotion and weight control, not a “diet” that leaves participants with the “Now what?” question after weight has been lost.

Syndrome X

The plan targets prevention and solutions for Syndrome X, also called the “metabolic syndrome.” To qualify as part of this epidemic that is steamrolling North America, adults or children need only suffer from 2 of the 4 components of the metabolic syndrome:

1) Obesity
2) Blood sugar issues (diabetes)
3) Cholesterol problems
4) High blood pressure

Developed for Athletes

The plan was originally developed to secure the muscle mass of high-performance athletes and regulate their insulin levels. Dr. Tran improved the protein source of the original “protein diet” originated in 1973 by Dr. Blackburn, a Harvard University professor. Dr. Tran used this approach with athletes in Europe for over 18 years, also targeting energy and good, safe nutrition.

The Ideal Protein plan is focused on the pancreas, insulin production, and stabilizing and maintaining weight loss long-term. Ideal’s engine is an alkalized and mineralized program made of 4 distinctive nutritional supplements.

Only Available Thru Health Professionals

The Ideal program is only available through trained and
certified weight control professionals and utilizes natural
health experts to facilitate success for even the most
frustrated dieter that has “tried everything” or some
troubled with blood sugar challenges. Each Ideal Protein
facility has one or more experts to guide the dieter through
the program. This valuable process serves to educate and
encourage the dieters with a consistent method that is
scientifically proven and deemed by most as easy to
execute and maintain.

Quick Results

Although dieters are warned that the first 3 days of the sugar withdrawals can be quite tough, the small percentage that experience problems almost always hang in there for amazing results starting on day 4. Most commonly, dieters tell us about:
Improved energy and reduced cravings, usually on the 4th or 5th day
Dramatically improved blood sugar for the sugar challenged, often within the first week
Elated joy and pride early in the process
Attainment of their goal weight
Maintaining their goal weight, even after extended vacations from the diet

What to Expect

Based on over 23 years of experience and 5 million people
in Europe, Canada, and now a large group of people in the
United States, the program enables the following:
• Quick weight loss without sacrificing muscle mass
Gaining an understanding of how food affects and is    utilized by the body, including what causes fat storage
Utilization of fat for energy usually by day 4—fat   (including cellulite) that sequesters chemical toxins
Improved energy and appetite control, reduced   cravings—usually on day 4 or 5
Improved blood sugar and cholesterol levels,   reduced blood pressure


The Ideal Protein instant packets contain the highest quality proteins and are low in carbohydrates and fat with no trans fats, no aspartame and are MSG-free. Protein is the main building block in the body, is the primary component of most cells, and is essential to human life. Every cell in the body has it, including skin, hair, bones, muscle and organ tissue. It is found in the bloodstream, in hormones and in enzymes.

During digestion, protein is metabolized into amino acids, the building blocks of protein. The body uses amino acids for energy as well as to produce enzymes and other essential proteins. The body synthesizes some amino acids but it cannot synthesize the “essential” amino acids.
These essential amino acids must be consumed in the daily diet, and are found in all of the Ideal Protein foods.

Balanced Diet

The Ideal Protein Plan is nothing like the typical diet that offers packaged foods. Ideal’s instant packets are NOT the common meal replacements that contain a so-called “balance” of carbohydrates, fats and protein. Consuming carbohydrates promotes insulin production thereby promoting fat storage. For a balanced diet, consuming fats is very important, but for FAT LOSS, one must eliminate most fat from the diet for the initial stage of the program.

Eating a “balanced diet” prevents the proper set up of the fat loss process in the body. One of the goals of Ideal Protein is to cause the body to delve into its energy reserves—into stored fat—for its energy, thereby facilitating FAT LOSS.

Additionally, by virtually eliminating all highly refined sugars and starches from your diet, the pancreas is afforded a rest since there is no need for it to produce much insulin, which happens to be its main function.

The Pancreas

Whether or not the pancreas is working properly partly determines one’s predisposition to gain or not to gain weight. Clinical research has shown that a dysfunctional pancreas is often a key reason many people have difficulty losing weight. A properly functioning pancreas is essential to good health and healthy weight loss. A properly functioning pancreas produces the right amount of insulin necessary to regulate our blood sugar levels (or glycaemia). The Ideal Protein Diet is a short-term program for the pancreas as well as a program for fat loss.

How it Works

The typical American diet consisting of processed foods-refined sugars and starches such as bread, pasta, potatoes, snacks and sweets, etc.—overworks the pancreas. The pancreas must constantly pump out insulin to take care of all the sugar (or glucose) that makes up these foods. (Realize that a slice of bread is nothing but simple sugar; the same is true for potatoes, pasta, white rice and all other processed “white” foods, including breakfast cereals.) Example: One slice of bread has 21g of carbs, which equals 5 teaspoons of sugar.

It is important to understand that the minute carbohydrates are consumed, they are broken down into glucose in the bloodstream, and then whatever is not needed immediately for energy is swooped up by insulin, converted into fat and stored. Since it is the job of the pancreas to produce the insulin necessary to remove glucose from the bloodstream (and store it as fat), eating a high-carbohydrate diet causes the pancreas to work overtime, to eventually become worn out or dysfunctional.

A dysfunctional pancreas produces excess insulin, resulting in a drastic drop in the blood sugar level (hypoglycemia), thereby leading to cravings of more sugar. Then, more sugar is consumed and the cycle starts over. Remember, insulin is the fat storage hormone—the hormone that converts the foods you’ve consumed into stored fat. Consequently, an over-production of insulin leads to excess fat storage.

The body gets its fuel or energy from the three macronutrient sources: 1) carbohydrates, 2) protein, and 3) fat. The carbohydrate or glycogen energy reserves are used up first, followed by our protein and fat reserves. (Glycogen is the form in which glucose is stored in the muscles and the liver.) After approximately 3 days on the Ideal Protein Program, your glycogen reserves are depleted and your body begins to burn your stored fat cells for energy naturally. This results in your body producing ketonic bodies (ketones) that are a natural appetite suppressant thus preventing cravings after the first few days and providing you with energy. You will start losing weight—or fat—as soon as fat becomes your first source of energy. You will then burn fat while nourishing muscle with the high-quality, highly absorbable Ideal foods containing the 9 essential amino acids that you consume throughout the day. Remember, muscle is the engine that burns calories every minute of every day, and by supplying your diet with this essential protein, you ensure that your muscle is not used significantly for energy.

During this time you will also reset your pancreas by giving it a much-needed rest. A properly functioning pancreas is the key to avoiding filling up your fat reserves once you have completed the plan and you return to more normal eating.

It is well known that there are certain foods as well as certain bad eating habits that cause weight gain and there are other foods and eating habits that prevent weight loss. The Ideal Protein Program plan will guide you and support you in your quest to lose fat safely by helping you understand the difference between “eating a balanced diet” and “eating for weight loss”. And most importantly, upon reaching the final stage, you will also have learned to use the right combinations of foods within each meal to maintain your weight loss permanently.

Improve Your Health

With the Ideal Protein Program, you will not only rediscover your ideal shape, but you will also significantly improve your health. The plan is designed to work with Ideal Protein’s high-quality nutritional supplements, a unique combination that guarantees safe and healthy weight loss. These supplements are designed to ensure a nutritionally comprehensive weight loss program.


Supplementation is crucial to your success since you will be missing out on some important fats and other nutrients during this plan. The Ideal expert works with your dieter’s profile (that you will fill out) to assist you in selecting the proper supplementation for your specific issues (e.g. food allergies, digestive issues, toxicity of the liver or kidneys). The LifeStyle Educator will encourage you to consult with your health care provider regarding any such issues.

Nutritional Supplements

Vitamins – The ideal combination of all essential vitamins and minerals to fulfill 100% of normal daily needs.

Calcium, Magnesium & Potassium– Crucial and alkalizing minerals missing in steps 1-2, helps move bowels, relax muscles; nourish nervous system, and much more.

Omega Fish Oils – An excellent source of good fats, crucial for weight loss, cell membranes for being able to handle the insulin, hormones, the brain, and good health.

Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics – For some people these may be a crucial addition to stage 1. They aid in digestion, assimilation, and elimination, providing significant benefit.

The 4 Stages

The Ideal Protein Plan allows you to lose weight with minimal effort compared to most other diets that require buying all sorts of different foods and ingredients and following complicated recipes. With the convenience of Ideal Protein instant packets, you have the option of keeping it very simple… or you may get creative if you like. Recipes are available.

Stage 1: You start out using a packet as the basis of 3 of your 4 meals each day—you follow this until you have reached 70-80% of your weight loss goal.

Stage 2: You reduce the Ideal foods to 2 per day and continue the Ideal plan until you’ve reached 100% of your goal.

Stage 3: For weight loss stabilization, you will reintroduce moderate amounts of fats and carbohydrates to your diet for 14 days. You only have 1 Ideal packet per day with 2 other regular meals.

Stage 4: You continue to eat the way you have by this
time learned to eat by choosing healthy foods and the
right combinations of foods.

To register to attend a workshop or for more details, call 801-447-8680or email us at:  

Diets High in Carbohydrates Shown to Increase Cholesterol Levels in Diabetic Patients

Diets high in carbohydrates shown to increase cholesterol levels in diabetic patients
Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition associated with abnormally high levels of glucose (a sugar) in the blood. People with diabetes either do not produce enough insulin—a hormone that is essential for the metabolism of glucose and other carbohydrates—or cannot properly utilize the insulin that their bodies produce.
In addition to appropriate lifestyle changes, glucose and insulin normalization can be promoted through various dietary adjustments. However, according to Dr. Abhimanyu Garg and colleagues in The Journal of the American Medical Association, "...there is no consensus about the optimal diet for [type 2 diabetic] patients..."
In response, researchers sought to compare the effects of low versus high carbohydrate consumption on glucose, insulin, and blood lipid levels. "Blood lipids" typically refers to triglycerides and the various forms of cholesterol, including low-density lipoprotein (LDL). These blood lipids are considered harmful when elevated.
For six weeks, 42 diabetic patients consumed a high-carbohydrate diet containing 55% carbohydrates and 30% fats followed by a high-monounsaturated fat diet containing 40% carbohydrates and 45% fats for an additional six weeks. Blood samples were frequently obtained for the assessment of cholesterol, triglyceride, and insulin levels.
Upon completion of the study, results demonstrated that "Compared with the high-monounsaturated-fat diet, the high-carbohydrate diet increased fasting plasma triglyceride levels by 24%...and LDL cholesterol levels by 23%."
Dr. Garg and colleagues stated that "[This] study, therefore, further substantiates the fact that high-carbohydrate diets offer no advantage in lowering LDL cholesterol levels in NIDDM patients compared with high-fat diets that are low in saturated fats." In conclusion, "Diets with higher proportions of...monounsaturated fats may be advantageous in reducing the long-term complications, particularly coronary heart disease, in [type 2 diabetic] patients."
JAMA 1994;271:(18):1421-28.
Advanced Nutrition Publications ©2002

Monday, February 21, 2011

Neural Therapy

Neural Therapy

Neural Therapy is one of the most advanced and effective of all holistic healing modalities.  It is quite similar to acupuncture, and involves using a very tiny needle to inject a mixture of novocaine and vitamin B12 into various points on the body. The injections are designed to remove “interference fields”.
Interference fields are traumatized areas of the body that interfere with the body’s innate healing process. We now know that many chronic disorders have one or more interference fields. These fields must be removed before the body can restore itself to health. Failure to remove these fields is the most common reason why a patient does not respond to treatment.
The following conditions usually respond nicely to neural therapy: allergies, headache, vertigo, hay fever, sinusitis, whiplash syndrome, painful scars, liver disorders, colitis, menstrual pain, endometriosis, joint and muscular rheumatism, reflex dystrophy, arthritis, all forms of neuralgia, restless leg syndrome, TMJ syndrome, and facial and jaw pain.

Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy

By now, almost everyone has heard of Bio-identical Hormone Replacement (BHR). Many popular books by Suzanne Somers and others have effectively spread the word about this very important anti-aging and disease preventing therapy.
Don’t confuse bio-identical hormone replacement with synthetic hormone replacement. You have seen the headlines about synthetic replacement. It has conclusively been proven to be dangerous, and should never be given. Bio-identical hormones are completely different. They are the same chemical structure as your own  hormones in your body. There has never been one study that has indicated that the use of bio-identical hormones is anything but healthy.
Bio-identical hormones are not just for women. Bio-identical hormone replacement is just as important for men’s health. Proper individualized replacement programs using these hormones will make you feel and function years younger, while at the same time protecting you against the diseases and infirmities of aging.
Perhaps the only negative side of all the scientific and clinical information on hormone replacement is that it is just a way too good to believe. Let's face it, when the average person is told that there is an anti-aging therapy that does all the following, it's just too much to take seriously:
  • Increases exercise performance
  • Improves overall energy levels
  • Enhances sexual performance
  • Re-grows the heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, brain, and other organs that atrophy with aging
  • Causes an average of 14. 4 pounds of fat loss in 6 months without dieting and an 8. 8% increase in muscle mass without exercising
  • Improves cardiac function
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Causes the skin to be tighter and thicker and have less wrinkles
  • Improves mood and sleep
  • Increases mental function
  • Improves injury healing
  • Strengthens bones
  • Lowers LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL
  • Improves immune function
Hormonal Replacement is The Key
The major difference between you at age 50 and you at age 25 is hormonal. Hormones are molecular messengers which control healing, tissue regeneration, immune function, sexual function, memory and mood, strength, body composition, skin thickness, energy, digestion, and virtually every other aspect of human function. When they hear the word "hormone" most people think only of the sex hormones, but there are many other hormones beside these. Other important hormones are growth hormone, thyroid hormone, and the adrenal hormones. Age related hormonal deficiencies are the primary cause of all the diseases and symptoms of aging.

Laser Enhanced Therapy

Laser Energized Detoxification

LED is an innovative, gentle, and effective homeopathic form of detoxification that utilizes the power of lasers to penetrate the body’s cells, organs, and tissues, causing them to release toxins. The process was developed by Dr. Lee Cowden, a former cardiologist, who discovered that many cardiac diseases are caused by toxic accumulation in the heart.

The toxins and the organs affected by the toxins are determined by a muscle testing process known as kinesiology. The affected organs are then detoxified by applying homeopathic medications through the action of a laser.

Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy is a unique form of therapy that both heals and detoxifies at the same time. It used to treat a variety of chronic disease including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Lyme disease, chronic hepatitis, herpes, chronic fatigue states, chemical sensitivity, macular degeneration, chronic bladder conditions, colitis, auto-immune diseases, and Crohn’s disease.
What Is Ozone?
The oxygen you breathe is present in the air as a pair of oxygen atoms. This is the most stable form of oxygen, and it’s colorless. Ozone is a blue colored form of oxygen (it's what makes the sky blue), and unlike regular oxygen, it is composed of three oxygen atoms instead of two.It is the addition of the third oxygen atom that makes ozone “supercharged” oxygen, and gives it all of its remarkable medical properties.
The use of ozone to treat various medical conditions was first developed in Germany in the early 1950's.Today, medical ozone therapy is common throughout Europe, and its use has gradually been spreading in America over the last 25 years.
Ozone Is Toxic Isn't It?
Anything, including water and oxygen, is toxic if given in amounts that exceed the body's capacity to utilize it. Ozone is found naturally in the body.The white cells make it as part of the immune response.Pure medical grade ozone, when it is used according to the established medical guidelines, has a safety record that is unparalleled.
Medical Properties Of Ozone
Ozone has five properties that account for why it works so well not only for macular degeneration, but also for most other chronic age related conditions as well:
  1. Ozone is a potent regulator of the immune system. This means that when the immune system is overactive (as in auto-immune disease), ozone will calm it down. Conversely, when the immune system is under active as in cancer, AIDS, and chronic infections, ozone will stimulate it. This unique ability of ozone stems from its action on the membranes of white cells that causes them to produce immune related messenger molecules called cytokines. Examples of cytokines are gamma interferon, interleukin-2, colony stimulating factor, and TNF-alpha just to name a few.
  2. Ozone stimulates increased uptake of oxygen by stimulating the enzyme diphosphoglycerate (DPG).DPG enables the release of oxygen from the hemoglobin molecule so that it can be taken up into the cell.In the absence of an adequate amount of DPG, our cells become starved for oxygen.This is a common problem in diabetics.
  3. Ozone improves circulation. It does this by enhancing the flow characteristics of blood as a liquid. This effect enables more of the oxygen carrying hemoglobin to reach the capillaries where ultimately the cells will receive more of the oxygen they require. Many patients with chronic inflammatory conditions have impaired circulation.
  4. Ozone increases antioxidant protection more than any other therapy including vitamin C.Most people with chronic disease have deficient antioxidant defenses.
  5. Ozone is a powerful mitochondrial stimulant.The fundamental underlying cause behind all degenerative disease from diabetes to heart disease to cancer is decreased mitochondrial energy production.Ozone can often correct this problem.
How Is Ozone Used Medically?
Ozone therapy should only be used by professionals who have been fully trained in its use. Doctors who want such training can receive it from Dr. Shallenberger, who offers training sessions twice a year in the United States and internationally.
Autotherapy is the most common, and in most cases the most effective way ozone is administered. The patient sits in a chair and has from 6-12 ounces of blood removed into a sterilized bottle.Then ozone is injected into the bottle, and the bottle is gently shaken, allowing the red and white blood cells to take up the ozone. The ozonated blood is then returned to the body. The entire procedure takes about 30-40 minutes.
Is Ozone Therapy For Me?
This is a decision for a doctor who is trained and experienced in the medical use of ozone. Some conditions simply will not clear up unless ozone is used, and of course many conditions will clear up without ozone. Because of its many therapeutic properties, ozone can be used as part of a therapeutic plan for almost every disease.
It is invaluable in the treatment of heart disease and circulatory disorders.Chronic infections such as hepatitis-C, herpes, Lyme, and AIDS respond very favorably to ozone.It is also very helpful in chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune diseases.
It is important to realize that ozone therapy is not a panacea or some kind of magic bullet. Although it is often an indispensable modality, it is only rarely effective by itself. In the great majority of cases it must be combined with an individualized program of other alternative and natural therapies, such as nutrition and detoxification.


What is Prolozone?
Prolozone is derived from the Latin word "proli" which means to regenerate or rebuild, and the word ozone. Ozone is the most highly active form of oxygen in the universe. Prolozone uses the power of oxygen to cause damaged tissues, joints, ligaments, and tendons to regenerate. This usually causes a complete healing, and a permanent end to pain.
How Does Prolozone Work?
The reason that some injuries completely heal and others don't has to do with circulation. In order for a damaged area of the body to regenerate and heal, it must have the critical elements that only the blood can provide:
vitamins, minerals, and oxygen.
Of these, by far the most important is oxygen. Low levels of oxygen cause an accumulation of lactic acid, which is what causes pain. Prolozone works in three ways. First, homeopathic anti-inflammatory medications are injected into the injured area to reduce inflammation and swelling. This leads to increased circulation. Next, the area is treated with vitamins and minerals that are critical for healing.
And finally, the area is infiltrated with oxygen in the form of ozone. The result is that the tissues get what they need to heal. And as they heal, the circulation to the area is re-established, and the treatment is complete. The response to treatment varies from person to person, but most people only need from 3-5 treatments.
Is Prolozone the Same as Prolotherapy?
No. Prolozone uses oxygen to create a healing. Prolotherapy uses inflammation to create the healing. Prolozone is similar to prolotherapy. Although often effective, it had the following limitations. Prolotherapy is extremely painful. Pain usually persists for days to weeks after a treatment. Patients receiving Prolozone feel immediate improvement, with very little to any pain at all during the treatments. Next, prolotherapy requires many injections, whereas Prolozone only requires a few. This means that Prolozone is faster and much less expensive. Prolozone therapy is especially effective in regenerating the cartilage in damaged knees and hips. Prolotherapy is usually not able to do this.
Conditions That Can Be Treated With Prolozone
Prolozone works on just about any pain problem you might have, including:
neck pain, whiplash, degenerated or herniated discs, low back pain, plantar fascitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, torn tendons, TMJ syndrome, sciatica, heel spurs, neuromas, tennis elbow, rotator cuff tears, knee injuries, and virtually any other sports injury. Because Prolozone treatments also result in cartilage regeneration, the technique is also remarkably effective even for severe cases of osteo arthritis of the hip or knee. The good thing about Prolozone is that it is not just a treatment for pain. The results actually represent a permanent fix.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Martha's Minute: Reducing Your Risk to Toxic Exposure

What can you do to decrease your risks of toxic exposure?Understand the risks & decrease your exposure to toxins
    1. Environmental
        1. Use chemical free products in your home (soap, detergents, cleaning products, dryer sheets, natural insect and weed killers, etc)
        2. Take off your shoes before entering the house to avoid tracking in chemicals from outside.
        3. Reduce chlorine exposure by attaching filters to your shower heads (Chloroform is released when chlorinated water is heated.)
        4. Avoid personal products with pthalates, paraben, 4-MBC
    2. Detoxify Your Body
      1. It is important to find a program that will support your body's detoxification systems and promote health and vitality.
      2. I customize detoxification progams to fit your needs and symptoms.
Call today to get your customized detoxification program underway! 801-447-8680 or email:

Martha's Minute: Conditions and diseases associated with excessive toxic burden

Allergies and Asthma
Chemical sensitivity (any adverse physical, mental or emotional reaction to the presence of a chemical smell)
Fertility problems and birth defects
Bone marrow cancers – Lymphomas, Leukemias, Multiple Myeloma
Chronic infections
Autoimmune diseases such as Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimotos thyroiditis, etc.

Martha's Minute: Are Your Toxins Causing You Health Problems?

Common symptoms you may be experiencing indicating excessive toxins:
Cognitive problems: brain fog, memory problems
Neurological issues:
balance problems, tremors