Monday, October 26, 2015


This questionnaire helps you determine the function of thyroid hormone in your body. It does not matter if you have had lab tests that say your thyroid is OK or that you may be taking prescription thyroid medication, you still may have problems with metabolism that directly relates to how thyroid hormone is functioning in your body.

Scoring: in front of each question enter the following score:
10 If this is a noticeable issue or significant problem
5 If this is a problem, but not a major issue
2 – If this happens every now and then, but you don’t notice it too much
0 If you seldom or never have this issue.

                 1) Are you cold (cold hands/feet)?
                 2) Do you have a swelling in the neck area?
                 3) Are you overweight? (10 if over 20 lbs, 5 if 10-19 lbs, 2 if 5-9 lbs)
                 4) Can you eat very little and still not lose weight (or you gain weight too easily)?
                 5) Are you tired all the time?
                 6) Do you wake up with headaches/heavy head that wears off as the day progresses?
                          7) Do you always need a lot of sleep, and even then you don’t feel well rested?
                 8) If you sit down during the day do you get tired (energy drops when you stop moving)?
                 9) Does your energy significantly drop in the afternoon?
                 10) Do you rely on caffeine, nicotine, or some other stimulant to keep your energy going?
                   11) Women - Are your moods noticeably worse with your menstrual cycle or transition? Men - Do you lack a morning erection (never get one=10, sometimes=5, occasionally=2)
                 12) Does stress cause you to feel irritable too easily (short fuse, low tolerance)?
                 13) Are you depressed, easily prone to depression, and/or feel less communicative or witdrawn?
                 14) Are you prone to depression in the fall or spring?
                 15) Does your head feel heavy (and/or your memory/concentration is noticeably declining)?
                 16) Is the outside portion of your eyebrows thinning (or gone)?
                 17) Do you have dry skin and/or dry hair?
                 18) Do you have rough patches of skin on your elbows?
                 19) Is your hair falling out (or less body hair in general: head, legs, arms, eyelids, eyebrows)?
                 20) Are you prone to constipation (including having to strain to eliminate)?
                 21) Do you have numbness in your extremities or have carpal tunnel syndrome?
                 22) Are you prone to facial fluid retention, especially around the eyes?
                 23) Is your voice hoarse or coarse?
                 24) Do you get muscle cramps or have general muscle weakness?
                 25) Do you have high or low cholesterol?
(10 if over 250, 5 if 220-249, 2 if 201-219, 10 if under 140, 5 if 141-160)


If your total score is over 100 you have a significant metabolism problem. Thyroid hormone is not working in a proper manner. Thyroid issues are causing other health problems.

If your score is in the 50-100 range, you have a noticeable metabolism problem. Thyroid hormone function in your body is struggling. Steps need to be taken to prevent health issues from magnifying.

If your score is in the 20-49 range, you are showing signs of metabolism wear and tear. The higher your score in this range the greater the need to take preventive steps to keep your health on track.

If your score is under 20, your metabolism is in good condition.

Please talk to your Health Care Practitioner if you are experiencing symptoms. For assistance, please contact us at Advanced Health Clinic

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

7 Steps to Better Thyroid Health

Tired? Mental Fog? Nervousness? Did you know that your thyroid gland may be the issue? Your thyroid plays a part in almost every other system in your body. It is often called the
master gland. All other bodily systems also affect your thyroid. As a result, symptoms of thyroid imbalance may begin when your thyroid gland is not producing enough hormones, or when there are imbalances in other body processes that interfere with your thyroid.

Hormones can rejuvenate, regenerate and restore. They are powerful chemical messengers that circulate throughout the body and travel to specific cells to orchestrate many vital internal functions. Low thyroid affects more than 30 million women and 15 million men. Hypothyroidism is far more prevalent than once thought. Some experts believe that anywhere between 10 and 40 percent of Americans has a sub-optimal thyroid function. 

Thyroid hormones are used by every cell of your body to regulate metabolism and body weight by controlling the burning of fat for energy and heat. They're also required for optimal brain function and development in children. If you feel sluggish and tired, have difficulty losing weight, have dry skin, hair loss, constipation, cold sensitivity, and/or lack of sweating, these could be signs of hypothyroidism. Having a healthy thyroid is a critical step in balancing your body to achieve optimal, vibrant health. 

Here is my 7 Step Guide to Healthy Hormones.

Step 1:
Treat the Underlying Causes — Identify and treat the underlying causes of hypothyroidism, like food allergies, gluten, heavy metals, nutritional deficiencies, and stress.
Step 2:
Optimize Your Nutrition — Support your thyroid with optimal nutrition, including foods that contain iodine, zinc, omega-3 fats, selenium, and more.
Step 3:
Minimize Stress — Eliminate adrenal exhaustion and minimize stress by engaging in a comprehensive stress management program.
Step 4:
Exercise — Engage in thyroid stimulating exercise, which boosts thyroid function.
Step 5:
Supplement — Use supplements to help enhance thyroid function, including all the nutrients needed for proper thyroid metabolism and function.
Step 6:
Detoxification Therapy - Eliminate stored toxins which interfere with thyroid function by detoxing the heavy metals through IV Chelation therapy, Oral Chelation, Cilantro (supplement), Calli Herbal Tea, saunas and/or heat therapy.
Step 7:.          

Thyroid Hormones — Use thyroid hormone replacement therapy to help support your thyroid gland.

To learn more, visit us at Advanced Health Clinic

Monday, October 12, 2015

Hormone Pellet Therapy for Fatigue in Utah

Hormone Pellet Therapy for Fatigue in Utah

The hormone imbalances women and men experience at the onset of perimenopause, menopause and andropause can cause many unwanted side effects, including fatigue. A drop in hormone levels can cause disruption in sleep that leads to feeling tired and irritable during the day.

The fatigue may come on gradually or suddenly; fatigue can be vague and caused by many things. In
women, there is a link between early menopause and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), according to a recent study. Women are two to four times more likely to have CFS than men, and the condition is most common among women in their 40s, according to researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Other conditions, including adrenal fatigue and low testosterone, can cause fatigue. Adrenal fatigue is a condition in which the adrenal glands function, but not well enough to maintain optimal hormone levels. In this condition, capacity in the adrenal glands has been diminished, usually by overstimulation that can be caused by a single intense stress or by chronic stress that has a cumulative effect.

However, hormone pellet therapy for fatigue can optimize hormone levels in women and men and help ward off conditions like CFS. Imagine experiencing deeper, uninterrupted sleep that eliminates feelings of fatigue during the day.

What is Hormone Pellet Therapy for Fatigue?

BioTE® hormone pellet therapy is a treatment designed to combat hormonal imbalance that can lead to fatigue. Many people with this condition don’t realize that the cause of their fatigue is hormonal. But if it’s difficult to get out of bed in the morning and you’re consuming caffeinated beverages and other stimulants just to get through the day, it may be the result of a hormone imbalance.

What if you could optimize your hormone levels using bioidentical hormones? BioTE® hormone pellet therapy can optimize the levels of hormones that have dropped to eliminate fatigue and exhaustion. Once the hormones are balanced, men and women tend to sleep better and feel refreshed and like themselves during the day.

How Does Hormone Pellet Therapy for Fatigue Work?

Hormone pellet therapy contains estrogen and testosterone that are derived from natural plant sources
to replicate the body’s normal hormone levels. Implants of these hormones that are placed under the skin consistently release small doses of hormones that have a therapeutic effect.

Unlike typical oral, transdermal and injection forms of therapy — which produce “roller coaster” hormone levels that go up and down, resulting in mood and energy fluctuations — BioTE® hormone pellet therapy provides sustained hormone levels throughout the day for up to three to five months.

Request Hormone Pellet Therapy for Fatigue Today

Hormone pellet therapy is a safe and effective treatment that has been in use for decades. Request more information about BioTE® hormone pellet therapy today: Call (801) 447-8680 or contact Martha L. Bray online at Advanced Health Clinic

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Power of Balanced Hormones

The Power of Hormones
Hormones can rejuvenate, regenerate and restore. They are powerful chemical messengers that circulate throughout the body and travel to specific cells to orchestrate many vital internal functi
ons. But even a small fluctuation in hormone levels can cause big changes at the cellular level — or disrupt the delicate balance throughout your entire body. Too much or too little of a hormone can have serious consequences for your overall health and well-being.

Choosing Hormone Replacement Therapy

Maintaining this delicate hormone balance is one reason to be cautious when selecting hormone replacement therapy. The goal should always be hormonal balance that is predicated on research rather than experimentation or guessing. Many therapies merely attempt to replenish estrogen and/or progesterone and testosterone, but they never achieve homeostasis.

Any endocrinologist will tell you that hormone balance is the foundation of health. Research continues to demonstrate that hormones are the key to the intricate interrelationships of the body’s systems. They play a pivotal role in our overall health.

The Danger of Hormone Imbalance

You can see why hormone fluctuation and depletion during perimenopause, menopause and andropause wreak havoc on the body. Research repeatedly points to the relationship between the hormone imbalance in perimenopause, menopause, and andropause and an increased risk for developing cancer, osteoporosis, stroke, thyroid malfunction and other age-related disorders.

It’s considered the norm for men and women to experience a decline in health at this stage of the aging process. Both women and men are likely to experience problems such as depression, anxiety, memory loss, sleep disturbances, libido issues and sexual dysfunction, just to name a few of the issues.

Help for Hormone Imbalance

You do not have to suffer through these life-altering symptoms! Help is available — naturally and safely — Contact me at AdvancedHealthClinic